Monday, January 4, 2016

Dear T&F Athletes,

It's 2016 and with World Indoors and Rio on the horizon and I'm writing you with the hopes that you'll take a minute, read this note, and hopefully leave with an intensified purpose in this new year.  

We've all seen the dark cloud cast above our sport in the past year. Consistent corruption within our governing body, PEDs, and IAAF leaders have put our sport in the media for all the wrong reasons. We can't fix this thing overnight but you can do you part in this very important year to take the sport a few steps closer. 
Why do you think athletes in other sports have taken to strikes or lockouts?  Athletes are truly the most powerful weapons within our sport. Your unified action is stronger than any sponsor, event, or federation.  

Know Your Rights 
This sounds a bit cliche but I'm blown away each year with how few athletes actually know their rights. If you worked in any other profession I'm sure you'd learn the ins and outs of that professional world.  This is no different. 
You don't have to go read each guideline in the IAAF/USATF rule books but you should understand anything that you might deal with in this Olympic year. 
For example, did you know that at the Trials when you make the team you aren't required to wear the team USA jacket on the awards podium or until you board that flight for Rio?  Same goes for the World Indoor Trials.  This may seem like a small deal but I've seen countless athletes adorn this jacket and miss a huge opportunity to promote the sponsor that helped create this moment.  It's not usually something an athlete does on purpose but usually something an athlete isn't aware of when they are told they "have to" wear the team USA jacket on the awards podium. WRONG.  You don't. So unless your sponsor's logo is on that jacket DON'T WEAR IT.  If it is your sponsor, wear it proudly. 
This is just an example but now you are one step closer to learning a few small things of contest. Still confused?  Your best bet maybe be to watch our sport's leaders as I promise they know the rules.  Goucher, Symmonds, Richards-Ross, Leer, Fleshman, Flanagan, Linden are all great examples of athletes that have navigated this sport brilliantly and are some of the most informed athletes you'll encounter.  Learn from their example. 
Also, Rule 40.  Learn it and fight it.  This rule hurts all athletes as your rights were sold for likely one of the most marketable moments of your careers. 

Demand More 
This is tricky but also very simple. You are a professional athlete and govern yourself within a set of standards each day. It's important to ask the same from all of those around you as well. Demand it! 
If you don't like the way USATF is governing our sport, demand better and get involved. 
If your agent or sponsor works with convicted drug cheats, ask why. If their explanation doesn't suit you then find another path or push them further. 
If you see or know of someone using PEDs then report it.  How can you not expect at least a clean sport from your friends and competitors??

Have Fun
I really hope you are all having fun with your time in this sport!  You are a professional athlete and your job is all about running fast, throwing far, and jumping higher and further. Little kid dream come true right?!!  
You get to test your physical limits. You make lifelong friends. You travel the world. You inspire. 
Enjoy the process and enjoy this special year when countless others from around the globe are finally paying attention to how hard you've worked. 

Learn the rules, demand more, and have fun. Stupidly simple but where there is an effort of the masses there can be change. 

Jesse Williams (not the high jumper, although I'm pretty sure I cleared 5'10" in high school)

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